Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Timex Ironman Taiwan 70.3, Oct. 30, 2010

Ironman 70.3 had arrived in Taiwan! Oct 30, 2010 was the first Ironman event in Taiwan, the inaugural race was unfold in Kenting, the southern tip of Taiwan. It included a two-lap swim in the small bay of kenting followed by cycling and running along the coastline.

My brother Renny who is an avid tri-athelete brought in the brand and hosted the event in Kenting. He has been busy since he signed the contract in March and spent more than 2 months in the south right before the event to prepare for this Ironman moment. The event would not have been possible without all these people who helped with maximum endeavor such as Howard, Alfa, Jackie just to name the very few since I know very minimal about the hard work behind it.

I went with my two toddlers so I have to admit that I did not wake up to witness the grand beginning of the event by the ocean but just being there for 2 nights already gave me the "feel", the "high", the "energy", the "vibe". I DO regret very much for missing the grand beginning after seeing all the manificent pictures and videos, I will not miss it again in the future!

We left Taipei around noon time the day before the event, as we approached the hotel after a 1.5 hour ride from the HSR station, one can feel the energy radiated by the presence of all the athletes. Seeing them taking their run or bike around the hotel to familiarize themselves for the event taking place the next morning. Cars and buses arriving loaded with all the gears, gadgets, families........busy checking into not only the hotel rooms but to the event, listening to the power point in 3 languages to brief them about the race, the location, the everything......it was the first for everyone......like an infant pushing out of the womb, so much to know......

While everyone was busy Halloweening, we were busy Ironmaning, endless time and effort was put in to make this first Ironman possible for Taiwan. Determination and perseverence made it happened, friendship smoothed up the hard work........the air in Kenting was filled with supports from everyone who participated in every way; even the mere presence of going there meant something deeply, moments were locked with warmth shedding from the forever childhood friendships with Renny, the event bonded many distant people, all of us were deeply touched by this very special Ironman. It just feels different than others, may be because it was the first, may be because it took place in Taiwan, may be because we know the person who hosted it, anyhow, it was a wonderful feeling.....can not be explained by words!

Bravo! It was an unforgettable experience for everyone who was a part of the first Taiwan Ironman 70.3, even if you were just a tiny tiny part of it......